JoomlArt Demo Site

Media ImageTemplates give your site its look and feel. They determine layout, colors, type faces, graphics and other aspects of design that make your site unique. Your installation of Joomla comes prepackaged with four templates.


  • Beez 20

    Beez_20 thumbnail

    Beez 2.0 is a versatile, easy to customize template that works for a variety of sites. It meets major accessibility standards and demonstrates a range of css and javascript techniques. It is the default template that installs with Joomla!

  • Beez5

    Beez5 Thumbnail


    Beez 5 is an html5 implementation of a Joomla! template. It uses a number of html5 techniques to enhance the presentation of a site. It is used as the template for the Fruit Shop sample site.

  • Atomic

    Atomic is a minimal template designed to be a skeleton for making your own template and to learn about Joomla! templating.

    The Atomic Template




  • Milky Way

    Milky Way Image

    Milky Way is the default template for Joomla! 1.5. You can find all of the 1.5 component layouts in the _html folder if you need them for your upgraded sites.

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T3 framework

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum condimenum mattis dui fusce ut, el convallis suspendisse suspendisse sed in lementum ea sed cum condimenum ut. El convallis suspendisse suspendisse sed in lementum ea sed cum.

4 Preset Styles

Rhoncus sed. Lectus vitae augue, mauris tincidunt. Ut nec fermentum accumsan cum condimenum mattis dui fusce ut...

Multi Menu

Elementum ea, nibh et, velit sed sagittis. Ipsum libero. Viverra integer enim, sed dolor. Inceptos elit cum condimenum mattis dui fusce ut...

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